Enjoy nature while traveling

Etiam placerat velit vitae dui blandit sollicitudin. Vestibulum tincidunt sed dolor sit amet volutpat. Nullam egestas sem at mollis sodales.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non nisl in velit dignissim mollis."

Pauline Gilbert

Founder, Yellow Bird

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non nisl in velit dignissim mollis."

Sophie Hanson

Blogger, MyThoughts

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non nisl in velit dignissim mollis."

John Doe

Freelance Writer, AdStart

  • Does your child need to bathe every day?

    Does your child need to bathe every day?

    The daily bath or shower is a routine for many of us — and for our children, too. But is it really necessary? The short answer is no. Obviously, there are days when washing up makes good sense — like if your child is grimy from a day in the…

  • Evoking calm: Practicing mindfulness in daily life helps

    Evoking calm: Practicing mindfulness in daily life helps

    It’s easy to say you simply don’t have time to be mindful. With so much going on in daily life, who has time to stop and be present? But everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare to practice mindfulness. The point of these brief, daily reflections is to help…

  • How well do you worry about your health?

    How well do you worry about your health?

    Don’t worry. It’s good advice if you can take it. Of course that’s not always easy, especially for health concerns. The truth is: it’s impossible (and ill-advised) to never worry about your health. But are you worrying about the right things? Let’s compare a sampling of common worries to the…

  • Do parasocial relationships fill a loneliness gap?

    Do parasocial relationships fill a loneliness gap?

    Do you follow certain social media creators, music artists, actors, athletes, or other famous people? Are you a huge fan of particular fictional characters from a book, TV show, or movie? Perhaps you check in with them daily because you feel a connection, care about them, or just love keeping…

  • Feel like you should be drinking less? Start here

    Feel like you should be drinking less? Start here

    When experts talk about the dangers of excessive drinking, we often assume those warnings apply mostly to people with alcohol use disorder, a health issue sometimes referred to as alcoholism. But people who don’t meet formal criteria for this disorder can still experience toxic effects and suffer other serious harms…

  • How to help your preschooler sleep alone

    How to help your preschooler sleep alone

    “Sleep is still most perfect… when it is shared with a beloved,” wrote D.H. Lawrence, and most young children would agree. But sometimes those beloved — that is, parents — would rather have some privacy and not be woken by a kicking child all night. So what can you do?…

  • Is the portfolio diet the best diet ever?

    Is the portfolio diet the best diet ever?

    News flash: What we eat can play a pivotal role in warding off — or treating — disease and enhancing quality of life. You may already believe this, and certainly mounting evidence supports that idea. But on the cluttered shelf of diets claiming top health benefits, which one ranks as…

  • Which skin creams are most effective for eczema?

    Which skin creams are most effective for eczema?

    Quelling the discomfort of atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema, can be a daily quest. This inflamed, itchy skin condition can interfere with sleeping, socializing, and many other activities. If home remedies such as gentle cleansing and regular moisturizing don’t provide relief, your doctor might recommend a prescription…

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A journey to remember

Get to know the talented individuals behind our blog

Jane Smith


With over 10 years experience in the blogging industry, Jane leads our team with passion and expertise.

Michael Doe

Marketing Manager

Michaels extensive marketing background helps us reach new customers and grow.

Mia Schults

Travel Specialist

Mias deep knowledge of destinations ensures our customers travel experience.

Emily Brown

Customer Service

Emily’s helpful attitude makes sure our customers receives top notch service and advice.

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